Refined efficiency and safety
Model S is designed as the safest sedan-type car. This Tesla model has unique design and unmatched performance power. Thanks to digital control of electric drives, Model S accelerates to 100 km/h in 5 s. Model S also has an integrated smart autopilot capabilities, which helps to master both urban and rural roads not only safer, but also without any stress.
Adaptive lightning and air pollution protection mode
Model S cars are integrated with LED lights that fully adapts to any lighting conditions on the roads. In addition, it has a distinctive design and functionality, that significantly increases safety on the road. The car is equipped with a dynamic light, which enables even 14 individual LED diodes and has 3 rotation positions. This is extremely good to enhance visibility at night and illuminate the road, especially on turning points.
Model S autopilot functionality ensures smooth and safe trip. It works by using car’s built-in cameras, radar, ultrasonic sensors and controlled brakes system. Autopilot controls the speed of the vehicle allowing it to easily manage long distances on motorways and to change lanes with just one click on the turn button. Digital control system helps to prevent collisions from the front or from the sides, as well as eliminates the risk of drive off the road. Model S also has digital car parking system which easily scans the information on free parking position and independently puts car in the parallel storage area. Autopilot functionality and software is updated periodically.

Modelio S autopiloto funkcionalumas, užtikrina sklandžią ir saugią kelionę. Jis veikia, panaudodamas automobilyje įmontuotas kameras, radarą, ultragarso jutiklius ir kontroliuojamus stabdžius. Autopilotas kontroliuoja automobilio greitį, leidžia jį lengvai valdyti važiuojant ilgas distancijas greitkeliais, o norint persirikiuoti užtenka vieno paspaudimo ant posūkio mygtuko. Skaitmeninis valdymas padeda išvengti susidūrimų iš priekio ar iš šonų, taip pat panaikina riziką nuvažiuoti nuo važiuojamosios kelio dalies. Modelis S, taip pat turi skaitmeninę automobilio parkavimo funkciją, greitai ir paprastai gali nuskenuoti informaciją apie laisvą stovėjimo vietą ir savarankiškai pastatyti automobilį į lygiagrečią stovėjimo zoną. Autopiloto funkcionalumas ir programinė įranga yra periodiškai atnaujinama.

Automatic power steering and cruise control
Active sensors in combination with GPS and high-resolution digital mapping system creates a mutually supportive exceptional functionality that precisely manages the Model S on the road. The cruise control maintains the speed in response to the flow of traffic when it stops and starts moving again, and the automatic steering helps with the chosen lane trajectory. Tesla company’s designed system is dynamic and constantly evolving itself under the travel experience.

Power Steering
Model S automatic steering helps to accurately follow the trajectory of the selected lane.
Lane Change
You are only a click away on the turn button and the car will change lanes when it is safe to do so.
Automatic parking
Scans the information on free parking space and independently parks car to parallel park zone.

Double engine Model S is an absolute improvement to the standard all-wheel drive system. With two engines, one in front and one in the back, the Model S controls torque independently using digital system. The result is incomparable, it is total thrust control under all conditions.
Traditional all-wheel cars use sophisticated mechanical connections which distributes power from one engine to all four wheels. This significantly reduces the efficiency of the compliance of the thrust benefits under all weather conditions. However, Model S engine is lighter, smaller and more efficient, so it gives slightly better range and faster acceleration.
Model S performance combines all-wheel control system’s features linking the high-quality rear engine with high efficiency front engine, and allows to achieve supercar acceleration from 0 to 100 km/h in 5 s.
Driver's comfort zone
Model S is a driver’s car. Cabin is carefully equipped with all the necessary engineering to ensure unique sound. Interior gem is a 17-inch touch screen, which is rotated at an appropriate angle towards the driver and adjusts to both the day and the night light conditions ensuring clear visibility. This device is installed with extensive database and mobile data, which allows you to quickly and easily find destination, favorite song or a new restaurant.

Touch screen
Model S 17-inch touch screen covers most vehicle control functions. It can open a panoramic roof, regulate automatic climate control or change the radio station, it’s all going easy with click or swipe across the screen. All being solidly integrated in this system: digital instrument panel, steering wheel control, navigation, cabin control, and also vehicle data is being collected.
- AM / FM radio stations, internet radio, on-demand internet radio stations, Bluetooth® and USB audio devices.
- High-definition camera for optimizing visibility and safety.
- ntuitive Google Maps™ map with real-time traffic information.
- Real-time information on energy consumption and its distribution.
- The driver zone climate control and cabin climate control.
- Synchronized calendar for creating and navigating daily schedule.
- Smart navigation systems that provide route suggestions according to the current traffic situation.
- Bluetooth phone connection, hands-free voice controlled system.
Model S remotely and periodically receives all enabled updates with improved features and renewal for the screen image.
Model S is designed to be the safest car on the road. Most of the security advantages of this electric car belongs to unique stability control system. It is equipped within specific part of the car body and protected with the auxiliary frame that reduces car’s center of gravity. It improves vehicle control and reduces the risk of rollover.
Tam kad avarijos atveju išlaikyti automobilio erdvę nepažeistą , Modelis S buvo sukurtas visais atžvilgiais tvirtesnis. Kompanija pritaikė karštuoju būdu apdorotą boro plieną, kuris yra tvirčiausias šiuo metu automobilių kėbulų pramonėje naudojamas plienas. Visas saugos rėmas, saugantis automobilio keleivius, yra pagamintas iš karštuoju būdu apdoroto boro plieno ir skirtas maksimaliai keleivių apsaugai bet kokio tipo avarijose.
Taip pat avarijos avarijos atveju, priekinius ir galinius keleivius saugo šešios oro pagalvės, o aukštos įtampos maitinimo šaltinis yra automatiškai atjungiamas.
Options and technical parameters
Would you like to get more detailed information? Download factory specification of Tesla Model S with possible engines options and technical parameters.