Transportation procedure to loading place
Your purchased vehicle is then delivered to the place of loading in the United States or Canada. We will make sure that it is securely and accurately delivered to the terminal, that all the relevant information is being provided and transportation have not faced any problems. Then, in accordance with the relevant procedures laid down in the port, the vehicle in 2 – 20 days will be loaded into containers and transported to Lithuania (all vehicles are transported by sea containers).
Šiame etape, iš anksto suderinus su Jumis mes pasirūpinsime reikiamais dokumentais, jų užpildymu. Visa informacija apie šio proceso eigą periodiškai pasidaliname su Jums, tokiu būdu Jūs esate visada informuotas ir žinote kokia yra situacija. Savo paslaugų skiltyje “Pakrovimas” mes suteikiame detalesnę informaciją apie konkrečias sąlygas galiojančias transportavimui jūriniais konteineriais.
We have 8 years of experience in buying different vehicle types at the US and Canada auctions. We work with major car and motorcycle auctions parks. Our focus is your expectations and opportunities. We mediate during all vehicle acquisition process.
- Purchasing vehicles at auctions.
- Vehicle transportation.
- Vehicle customs clearance, import, export.
- Vehicle delivery to Lithuania.
- Vehicle certification, technical inspection and registration.